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Special thanks to gattaccia for the translation

Lo Shikaku (conosciuto anche come Rettangoli) è una sfida logica con poche e semplici regole.

Le regole sono semplici. Lo scopo è dividere la griglia in parti rettangolari e quadrate in modo tale che ogni parte contenga un solo numero e che quel numero rappresenti esattamente la sua area.

Clicca e trascina per disegnare un rettantolo. Per rimuovere una linea, usa il tasto destro del mouse o tieni premuto il tasto Ctrl o il maiuscolo.

Video Tutorial
Nascondi le regole



Q. How to mark a rectangle?
A. It is enough to start marking the rectangle at the middle of the start square and release the mouse at the somewhere inside the opposite square. Something like this:

Mark a rectangle

Q. How to remove a line:
A. You should surround the lines you want removed with the red marking tool. That happens when you use the right mouse button:

Remove lines

Q. How to solve a puzzle:
A. Here is an example of how a puzzle is solved:

First we notice that the only rectangle with 2 squares that can fit the red 2 is this one:


Then notice the red 4 and 5 in the bottom corners. Their rectangles can be only the following:

The red 2 in the top-left corner is analogical to the first one.  The squares below the bottom red 2 and 4 should definitely be part of their rectangles since there cannot be a rectangle without a number. So this is the result:

It is quite easy to finish the puzzle from this point:





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2024-10-22 13:25:42
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